regrets. i found this crazy looking chicken bank at urban outfitters. the problem is that i never bought it and now i have regrets. this little guy would have a great home on my computer desk giving me the reminder stare that i should be working, not playing. to save, not spend. and to remind me to blog, and not do whatever people do when they don't blog. i guess if i want it bad enuf, i could drive up to edmonton and pick one up there. on second thought, meh.

official description: chicken-shape piggy (chickie?) bank, all dressed up with multi-colored feathers and folksy detailing, finished with a slot at the top and a key lock at the bottom.
and yes. i realize this chickie bank is as ugly as a bag of smashed up pork buttocks but it's a damn funky looking bag of smashed up pork buttocks.
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