Sunday, November 12, 2006

a step in the right direction


the inaugural post. armed with a purpose and an empty blog window as my creative scratch pad. starting over again, this being my third blog home. my choice to roost at blogspot is because it is the undisputed home of the most popular bloggers in the world. not to mention that google (since i am a friend of gmail) made it easy for me to signup. what ruined my previous residencies was a number of unfortunate circumstances, some the fault of the provider and other times the fault of yours truly.

in my past blog life, i spent my time writing about things off the tip of my melon and attempting to express to the internet-world how music makes the world go round. newbies beware, this blog will be equally as boring, uninteresting and non-chalant as the last.

however, there will be a major difference this time around; i have a purpose. i want to become a good writer. i want to capture my thoughts on paper. i want to express myself fully. i want to create content. i want this place to be my catharsis.

so what's with the title?? i felt it is quite appropriate as the material will be as random and ridiculous as those words put together. has arrived.


1 comment:

kkysiu said...

Hey am I the first person leaving comments on your blog? :)

Alright here you go! I hope I see more postings soon!